Why do this?
This piece is just an experiment to see how far the birds can make it from the starting point. Once you know the website you can see how any of the birds are doing or go out and find as many as you want based on if people post their new whereabouts.
What if I don't want to participate?
Then just put the bird anywhere outside, so someone can find it and participate. You never have to visit the site or send in any pictures.
What if I want to keep the Bird?
Well, I am flattered and the bird is yours. Though, I suggest if you do decide to keep the bird, then every now and then you take it somewhere and take a picture of it there. Just send the pictures and some comments to the site 1claynest.birds@blogger.com That way you can keep the bird, but its history doesn't end.
If I send in photos or comments will I get reply emails that are spam?
NO, I am an art student. I am not a company, this is not for profit or advertising, there is no reason I would reply to your e-mail. In fact if you send your post to this email address 1claynest.birds@blogger.com I don't even get your e-mails they are sent straight to the site as posts by blogger. There are NO gimmicks or hidden agendas on my end.